Did you know?

1 in 3 people over 65 and living in the community will fall in the next 12 months?
For people over 65, a fall is almost 12 times more likely than a motor vehicle or pedestrian accident?
For people over 65, falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospital admissions and deaths?

Falls are not an inevitable part of ageing. If you’ve had one or more falls in the past 12 months, it’s important that you see your doctor to find out why. The most common causes are well-known and relate to risk factors. Common risk factors for falls among older people include:

  • previous history of slips, trips or falls
  • unsteadiness in walking, using an unsafe or incorrect walking aid
  • feeling dizzy or giddy
  • poor balance, muscle weakness, low levels of physical activity
  • foot problems or wearing unsafe shoes
  • some medications or mixtures of medications
  • some medical conditions (stroke, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, low blood pressure, diabetes, depression, dementia)
  • short term illnesses (the ‘flu, diarrhoea, urinary tract infection)
  • changes in eyesight, cataracts, wearing the wrong glasses
  • being underweight or dehydrated
  • needing to go to the toilet often or in a hurry
  • loss of confidence, fear of falling, hazards at home or in the community.

The good news is that if you know which risk factors apply to you, and deal with as many as possible, you can greatly reduce your risk of falling. The health care team at MTHCS are here to help you stay safe and independent.

OTs are skilled in falls prevention and can visit you in your home to complete an assessment, provide you with information and advice and assist you with implementing strategies to decrease your risk of falls.

OTs are skilled in falls prevention and can visit you in your home to complete an assessment, provide you with information and advice and assist you with implementing strategies to decrease your risk of falls. If you are concerned about falls, either for yourself or someone you care for, please contact the MTHCS Occupational Therapist on 5092 1111 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

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