What do we offer?

MTHCS provides a host environment for Austin Health Pathology to provide pathology collection centres in Ouyen and Sea Lake.

Community availability

How much will it cost?

All patients are bulk billed for all tests that are Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rebateable (must have valid Medicare card).

How to access this service?

The Ouyen Collection Centre is located at 4–6 Clay Avenue, Ouyen and is open on Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. No appointment is necessary. You can contact the service on 0401 180 883 or email

The Sea Lake Collection Centre is located at the Sea Lake Service Centre and is open on Mon, Tues & Wed - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. No appointment is necessary. You can contact the service on 0477 147 081 or email

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