Painting a Positive Picture

Painting a Positive Picture

11 September 2023

WHAT started as a four-week trial art class has now become a permanent fixture on the Murrayville calendar due to its popularity and “relaxing” atmosphere.

The watercolour painting lessons, taught by Brenda Menzel and offered by Murrayville Neighbourhood House, were a “huge success” over their initial four week period, and have now been made an ongoing class.

Murrayville Neighbourhood House coordinator Michelle Hand said the classes, which are open to anyone, were enjoyed by all, with “overwhelmingly positive” feedback.

“The feedback was so great, everyone said they had fun, and the general consensus was that it was a very relaxing, zen activity to be a part of,” she said.

“People enjoyed the challenge of learning a new technique and new skills, as well as seeing themselves and other people in the class improving each and every week.

“But more than that, it’s a great opportunity to be social, to interact with people you may or may not know and to have some fun.

"Everyone said they were sad to see it come to an end, but now it doesn’t have to.

“We’re thrilled that there was so much interest that we’re now able to make it a fortnightly event.”

If you are interested in taking part, contact Michelle on 0473 736 353 or Brenda on 0423 451 932.

Pictures: Watercolour painting classes to become a regular at Murrayville

For interviews or further comment please contact:
MTHCS CEO Dr Frances Peart ph: (03) 5092 1111
Or MTHCS Communications Sharon Maloney mb: 0411 104 598

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