About this location

The Canon TD Martin Nursing Home provides a quality and holistic health service to our aged residents, who are assessed as needing high level residential care.

28 Britt St, Ouyen VIC 3490
Open 24 hours
Phone number

Services available at location

Qualified staff inclusive of: Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and Leisure and Lifestyle workers provide person centred care to the residents using best practice principles. Residents and families are involved in care planning to ensure a coordinated approach to care.

Volunteers provide an invaluable service and are an important part of our extended family. Volunteers’ interests are closely matched to those of our residents for mutual benefit.

An Activity and Lifestyle Program which meets individual resident’s needs is provided by staff and volunteers. Family and friends are encouraged to visit and participate in the activities within the home. Some of these activities include: music, gardening, cooking, singing and pet therapy plus much more.

Contact with the community is an important part of the lifestyle program. Local groups are welcome to visit and provide entertainment for our residents. These groups include School Children, singers and line dancers. A weekly church service is held on Wednesday afternoons.

All enquiries can be directed to the Nurse Unit Manager.

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